Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's a scorcher out there...

#91 - Mow Parents yard for no reason - My parents went to New York and Canada on vacation this past week and asked me to take care of the animals, so I decided that it would be a god opportunity to knock out one of my goals early. Today, Saturday, they day that they get back, I mowed their yard for them. The worst thing to do when getting back from a vacation is to have chores and yard work to do, so I figured this would be a nice surprise for them. I'm not even going to tell them I did it until they ask me.

Mowing is no easy job. Especially when its high noon, 100+ degrees, the day after a hard rain, and long deep grass. I did it for my parents all throughout my childhood and while I lived there, but each time is quite a challenge.

This goals project is the coolest idea ever. It really has changed my life and the way I look at things. I highly recommend everyone do it. You will find yourself thinking about things differently.

Goin to the Stros game tonight. And Dave Matthews was FREAKING AWESOME last night. Not a great picture at all (Jen has the camera, I have my phone), but just a little taste.

1 comment:

Tabatha said...

You're such a good son!!!

I'm glad you're finding this 101 thing is changing your outlook; I've felt the same way, too!

Keep it up!