Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"I think I remember the film...And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it.."

32. New Classic movie each month (1/33) - I finally saw Breakfast at Tiffany's tonight. I actually got it for Jennifer for Christmas (along with a bracelet from Tiffany's) and she had watched it and loved it, but I kept putting it off. I figured it would be a good one to watch as my first classic that I hadn't seen yet. See, without this goals list, no telling when I would have watched it.

First off, Audrey Hepburn is pretty smokin hot for her day. Even though she is very skinny in this film, she definitely fits this role perfectly.

I thought the film was entertaining. Moved a tad bit slow at times, but had a great plot and a sappy good ending. I didn't expect much comedy, but surprisingly got some. I thought the scene at Tiffany's with the salesman was hilarious. I find it hard to believe that "Fred" is going to be able to contain Holly in the future after that 1 speech, but it was a good ending.

Pretty much what I expected, with a few laughs and a feel good ending. Good music too (won the Oscar for Best Music and Best Song).

IMDB Rating: 7.8 / My Rating: 7.0


Unknown said...

Great blog baby you always amaze me! I would have given it a higher rating, but I suppose most girls would. I love you, and congrats on knocking another goal off the list!

Tabatha said...

Rock on. I have to watch this one too, so if you gave it a 7.0, I'm sure I'll like it!