Monday, November 17, 2008

22. Get a physical - I know, I know, corny picture, but I got a physical this morning!! This is one goal that I can completely credit to this list. If I hadn't have made this a goal, I wouldn't have done it.

I figured I was 25, it was time to get one, and I'm glad I did. I took the morning off of work and Jennifer went up with me. Turns out, I'm very healthy and don't have any problems.

I did have to give blood for the blood tests, and for those of you who know my history, I don't do too well with that. But I did make it through this time, just got a little light-headed.

I'm waiting on the blood tests to come back, but I'm not all that worried about it. I am just very happy that I knocked this goal out by the end of this year. Now comes the hard part...the dreaded dentist appointment..

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